Sunday, April 5, 2015

Restaurants in Rheinhessen: Mundart

If you are looking for excellent food, a friendly atmosphere and wonderful regional wine then this is the place to go: Mundart-restaurant in Saulheim. Definitely a place you would rather expect in Wiesbaden or Frankfurt than in "no name village". Not cheap, but the spot to celebrate a special occasion in a small setting. Since it is becoming increasingly popular you should make a reservation in advance. Enjoy the rich flavor of German food with an international touch and be surprised about the creative combinations the kitchen has to offer.

Restaurants in Rheinhessen: St. Antony

Lost in the middle of nowhere (an area which is called Rheinhessen by the locals) you will find a small village- among another 389 small villages of the area- called Rommersheim. It would not have found its way into this blog wouldn't it be for a small Restaurant called St. Antony which has been opened recently and is worth a visit if you are in the area around Wörrstadt anyhow.
Now, why would you want to be in that area if it wasn't for the wine which is grown in Rheinhessen and which is yet to be discovered by the international community.

Musikautomaten- Museum Bruchsal

Bruchsal, located 1 h drive south of Mainz has nothing much to offer, wouldn't it be for its beautiful castle Barockschloss Buchsal (Palace) with a really fascinating hidden treasure: the Deutsches Musikautomaten Museum (German Museum of Mechanical Musical Instruments).
Join a guided tour (which unfortunately is only available in German, takes approx. 1h) to listen to these art pieces of mechanical engineering, see the beautiful cabinets and experience the evolution of music performed by machines from the 16th century until today.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cycling tour 8: Ginsheim - Hallgarten

Ginsheim - Kostheim - Mainz -Schierstein - Eltville - Kiedrich - Hallgarten

Am Wochenende vor Ostern findet bei der Winzergenossenschaft Hallgarten traditionell ein kleiner Ostermarkt mit allerlei Kunsthandwerk statt. Vom bestickten oder gravierten Osterei über Glaskunst und Kerzen findet man schöne Mitbringsel für die bevorstehenden Osterbesuche.
Mit knapp unter 70 km bietet sich die Tour als verschärftes Familientraining auf durchweg guten Wegen an.
Von Ginsheim führt der Weg über Kostheim entlang des Mains über die Maaraue mit herrlichem Blick auf Mainz und folgt dann ab Biebrich dem Rheinufer mit Fußgängerslalom bis Eltville. Lediglich bei nasser Wetterlage sind die Wege entlang des Rheinufers zwischen Biebrich und Eltville zu meiden.
Wer noch zuviel Kraftreserven hat, kann ab hier dem Wanderweg Richtung Kiedrich folgen (Roter/ Schwarzer Punkt bzw. Rheinsteig), was allerdings bedeutet, dass man neben dem Anstieg in Kiedrich auch ein Tal zwischen Kloster Eberbach und Hallgarten durchqueren muss. Dafür kann sich der Reisende auf dieser Route mit  Köstlichkeiten aus der Klosterschänke belohnen.
Wer sich diese Mühe sparen möchte, verläßt den Rhein erst in Hattenheim und klettert dann bei mäßiger Steigung entlang des Baches (Boxberger Pfad/Waldbachstraße) bis Hallgarten.
Während sich unsere bessere Hälfte mit Kunst eindeckt und der Nachwuchs die verbrannten Kalorien an der Kuchentheke aufarbeitet, drängt sich für den Weinfreund eine Weinprobe auf.
Aber Vorsicht, beim Heimweg geht es zunächst rasant bergab, die nach Weingenuss gerne angewandte Slalomtechnik ist hier nur bedingt zu empfehlen.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cycling tour 7: Mainz - Großer Sand- Lennebergwald- Turm Mainz - Heidesheim - Ingelheim

Start: Mainz “Römisches Theater”
Character: Mainly paved or well maintained forest paths, some climbs depending on selected route at the Lenneberg. Some sandy (get the desert feeling) streches to Heidesheim
Recommended equipment: Mountainbike :-), Tourbike :-|

Lenneberg Wald is one of the most wonderful forests with the best trails in the area. There is no real work around industrial areas to get there, but it is definitely worth the ride. Coming up from Mombach you will pass the natural reserve “Großer Sand”. Do plan a stop in the center of the forest at the “Turm Mainz” for a refreshment and good food and later stroll around the Waldschloß. Look for the passage underneath the Autobahn A60 to get to Heidesheim and stay in the wine yard paths along the water supply built by “Karl the Great“ to Ingelheim where the Kaiserpfalz is worth a visit. Return on a flat track along the Rhine to Mainz.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cycling tour 6: Hofheim - Eppstein - Kaisertempel - Mannstein - Lorsbach

Start Hofheim (120 m) Highest point Stauffen (451 m)

Character: Steep climbs from Eppstein to the Kaisertempel and the Mannstein.
Recommended equipment: Mountain bike :-), Tour bike :-|

From Hofheim there are various alternatives to get to Eppstein, you can follow the R8 or first take the steep climb up to the Meisterturm or the alternative blue route which meanders uphill with a slight slope.
Have a look at the old castle of Eppstein and do not miss the Kaisertempel from where you have a wonderful view.

If you come from direction Eppstein and Kaisertempel, continue on the hiking course and do not miss the steep turn off to the left direction “Stauffen” (451 m, you may feel like pushing your bike on the first 100 m).
Continue on this path for approximately 500 m until you hit a crossing. Through the trees you can see a pathway leading to the viewpoint “Mannstein” where you should not miss the magnificent view on Frankfurt.Return via Gundelhart and from there at the cross road optional via Meisterturm (climb the treetops for a view) or even better with a long downslope along the path marked with a black rectangle to Hofheim.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cycling tour 5: Wiesbaden - Goldsteintal - Platte -Frauenstein - Biebrich

Start point Wiesbaden city Kurpark (90 m)
Highest point: Platte (501 m) ca. 9.4 km
Total disctance: ca. 32 km
Character: 80% in the forest, Steady climb to reach the "Platte"
Recommended equipment: Mountain bike :-), Tour bike :-|
Black path: Steep climb

There are multiple ways to get to the "Platte", here is my favourite
Pass the Kurpark and take the path “R” to Sonnenberg
In Sonnenberg you need to ride on the main road until you reach the turn off to the Goldsteintal.
Tip: Short before the street leaves the town in a slight right curve and crosses the small river(Crossing Dudenstraße/ Goldsteintal), keep going straight at the crossing on a path that looks like a dead end (this single trail is not shown on the map, please refer to the picture from Google Earth).

You will have to pass a few steps down after approximately 300 m to stay next to the river. Keep going until you hit the street, pass the Schützenhaus, now keep going straight to the Hubertushütte. (recommended by "Wiesbaden geht aus"). Follow the path right next to the Goldsteinbach as far as possible, then head for the “Idsteiner Eiche” and from there on the red path with the black dot to the Kolhaas Eiche. There are many other ways to get to the Platte and as long as it takes you uphill, you can’t be wrong.

Return via Chaussehaus to Frauenstein, where you can enjoy a cool drink and good food with a splendid view on the Rheingau at the Nürnberger Hof.
Alternatively pass Schloß Freudenberg (a great place to visit with the family) and have an Apple wine at the Apfelweinstube Himmelreich, also highly recommendable for a snack or try the Gutsausschank Kirschfeld just a few meters further serving excellent food.